Whether you are looking for a publisher for your book or assistance in self-publishing, Laurennella Publishing can help you.

Inspired by our kids – and pulling on our decades of experience in the printing and publishing industry – we have launched the Laurennella Publishing service.

So you have your story and you want to get it published.  Here are some questions to ask yourself before moving to the next step (with us or anyone!)

  1. Do you have your manuscript (story) written?
  2. What type of book are you looking to produce a novel, children’s book, biography, other non-fiction, something else?
  3. Have you had your manuscript professionally edited?
    • This includes:
      • the Development Editor to get  the structure correct and get your book into general shape
      • the Copy Editor who will fix any spelling, grammar, punctuation errors, as well as some minor fact checking and any mark-up (headings etc) required if appropriate.
  4. Do you have a Designer for the cover artwork, as well as the layout and general look and feel of your book?
  5. Do you have all relevant internal illustrations, diagrams, or photographs to support your manuscript?
    • do you have written permission to use them?
  6. Production & production management requirements:
    1. What stock?
    2. Traditional print or POD (print-on-demand)?
    3. Are you looking for black/grey-scale printing only, or do you need colour?
  7. And do you currently have any plans for:
    1. Distributing?
    2. Selling?
    3. Marketing and promoting?

Once you have asked and answered  these questions, Contact us and let us help you fill in the gaps and get your book produced.