Nicole Dashwood

Mum ● Wife ● Dancer ● Author

Month: July 2016

Don’t Let Terror Stop You From Living!

hanging hearts to liveThis morning I cried!

As I sat with my morning coffee and watched the news, ushering my children out of the room as pictures of people running for their lives from yet another crazed person with a gun who opens fire. At, of all places, a McDonalds restaurant. Parents with their children, young people, elderly … people from all walks of life enjoying something to eat, chatting; living their lives. And one person decided to take it upon themselves to disrupt this scene in the most heinous way … by killing.

I burst into tears and left the room. Knowing that innocent children had been Continue reading

A Mother’s Hell: Caught up in Body Shaming

nicole and the girls in san-remoAs the mother of two young girls the constant barrage of articles in the media about Body Shaming worries me greatly. Both of my girls are beautiful, inside and out, and I want them to be happy with themselves as they grow into women.

The ignorance, or should I say arrogance, and sheer nastiness that people often show, all because they’re safely behind their laptops and smartphones (and therefore faceless) seems to exacerbate the issue. These people do not hold back on their comments.

Through Facebook and other social media, young girls are constantly shown Continue reading

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